Social Strategy
Content Creation
Brand Development

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SiriusXM / August 2018 - December, 2020 / New York, NY

  • Led a team of 6 social media specialists focused on social strategy and content creation for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube

  • Ideated and executed content campaigns with social and digital touchpoints, including social platforms, SiriusXM’s blog, and the Hear and Now newsletter

  • Set and met the department's key KPIs, driving app installs and streaming consumption as well as hitting engagement targets on various platforms

    • Published over 20,000 pieces of cross-platform content from 2018-2020

  • Worked with analytics team on a daily basis, using data to devise strategies for audience engagement and maximize reach of content 

  • Managed multi-million dollar paid media budgets, continually optimizing and testing extensive campaigns on Facebook & Instagram

  • Project managed high-level social initiatives like Super Bowl, our biggest onsite event of the year, and commemorative months & holidays

  • Pitched, negotiated, and implemented company-wide contracts with Sprinklr, Getty Images, and Monday.com, taking point on administration and training